Chasing Financial Freedom

Ep 285 | Shifting Focus to Thrive Amidst Life's Biggest Tests

June 19, 2024 Ryan DeMent Episode 285
Ep 285 | Shifting Focus to Thrive Amidst Life's Biggest Tests
Chasing Financial Freedom
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Chasing Financial Freedom
Ep 285 | Shifting Focus to Thrive Amidst Life's Biggest Tests
Jun 19, 2024 Episode 285
Ryan DeMent

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What happens when life throws you a curveball that shakes your very foundation? Join me as I share the deeply personal and emotional journey of my mom's battle with breast cancer, and how it has profoundly impacted our family. Discover how shifting from asking "why" to focusing on "who" and "what" has helped us find a more resilient and productive path forward. I openly discuss my struggles with letting go of the "why" and invite you to share your own tips on maintaining a positive mentality during tough times. Together, we'll explore the power of mindset in overcoming life's biggest obstacles.

In another heartfelt chapter, I talk about the significance of staying positive through daily struggles and the immense gratitude I feel for the blessings in my life. Life throws challenges at us regularly, sometimes even hourly, but I am committed to not letting these issues overshadow my day. Instead, I prefer to let situations unfold naturally while embracing the support from all of you who understand my personal circumstances. Your feedback and encouragement mean the world to me, and together, we can focus on maintaining a hopeful outlook and finding ways to overcome life's challenges with strength and resilience.

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What happens when life throws you a curveball that shakes your very foundation? Join me as I share the deeply personal and emotional journey of my mom's battle with breast cancer, and how it has profoundly impacted our family. Discover how shifting from asking "why" to focusing on "who" and "what" has helped us find a more resilient and productive path forward. I openly discuss my struggles with letting go of the "why" and invite you to share your own tips on maintaining a positive mentality during tough times. Together, we'll explore the power of mindset in overcoming life's biggest obstacles.

In another heartfelt chapter, I talk about the significance of staying positive through daily struggles and the immense gratitude I feel for the blessings in my life. Life throws challenges at us regularly, sometimes even hourly, but I am committed to not letting these issues overshadow my day. Instead, I prefer to let situations unfold naturally while embracing the support from all of you who understand my personal circumstances. Your feedback and encouragement mean the world to me, and together, we can focus on maintaining a hopeful outlook and finding ways to overcome life's challenges with strength and resilience.

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, ryan DeMint, hope you guys are having a great day. I wanted to give you guys an update this week but also talk a little bit about struggles. And I'm not just talking about business, I'm talking about life. I know we all get hit with different obstacles in life and how we actually react to them is critical for us, the people around us, but also our mindset, and I would say I'm being faced with probably one of the largest challenges in my life.

Speaker 1:

Personally, I don't I've not shared it, but my mom is battling breast cancer. They caught it very early and she's able to not have to do chemo. She does have to do several rounds of radiation, which is a very short period. But how all of this is affecting me and the family is tough, because you don't want to see your parents struggle with anything To say it is. It's very painful to see how tired my mom is. She's not full of life and joy and it just makes me think about all the things that I have going on in life are so small compared to to what is going on in my mom's life and how she's battling, being fierce, making sure that she keeps a positive mindset going and being positive on the outside, but you can tell on the inside it's eating away at her. Because she's asking that question why me? And I think we all ask that, whether you're going through cancer, you're going through difficult times in your business, difficult times in your personal life. When we hit one of those difficult times or difficult moments in life, I know I catch myself asking why me, god? Or why is this happening? I know I catch myself asking why me, god? Or why is this happening? And I don't think it's happening because we're bad people. I think it's happening.

Speaker 1:

Fighter and I know she's going to get through it and I'm thinking from a mindset perspective is businesses we've had a delay in getting house two and three sold and then also selling some other properties to investors that have been delayed. And I keep on asking why. Instead of asking why, I need to back up and really think about the who and the what that's tied to it and figure out. Can I change my mindset? Instead of why and this is where I'm at I'm still trying to work this through my mindset and my thought process is the why makes it sound like I'm weak and I don't know what I'm doing, and I think switching that why to who and what and what can I do to overcome. This is going to help me mindset wise, definitely going to help me with my sleep, because my mind will run on this stuff. And then the other aspect is can I apply it to other pieces of my life? Because things happen to us all the time personal, business, both at the same time as I say you get double barreled, but what do you do when it comes to that? You get double barreled, but what do you do when it comes to that? And I know my struggle is the why, and maybe yours is different, but it's for me is the why. So that's where I really want to focus on this episode, guys, and really talk about the why and what I've put behind it, and then what I'm trying to do to move forward.

Speaker 1:

The past is truly that. I can't change that. All I can do is look from in front of me forward. But, as I said on prior episodes, if I look too far, I get anxiety and then I start worrying about all the different things that are actually happening in life, and I think that's where the balancing act is for the why. The why is okay when the problem happens and it really slaps me in the face and I think that's where the balancing act is for the why. The why is okay. When the problem happens and it really slaps me in the face or kicks me in the gut, instead of asking why, I get back up and try to figure out the who and the what and then what's the solution? At some point there is a solution for everything, and it might be days, weeks, months before you can solve it. But as long as you have that mindset, I'm going to move forward and continue to push. Life does get better.

Speaker 1:

But when I stick in the why and I keep on asking why, I feel like I'm living in the past. But I'm also weak in my response and I'm weak in how I'm handling the situation. Like I'm on my knees and I can't get up, and the other best way to describe it is I'm not getting up and that's not anywhere. I want to be, because if I get knocked back down, I get back up and I only know one way to do that is through mindset. But with my mom and some other things going on in life, the why continues to haunt me and the only way I know to take this on is stop saying why.

Speaker 1:

And probably in the last week and a half, two weeks, I've really focused on removing why out of my vocabulary. And, believe me, it's not easy. It is not easy at all. It is a struggle, bad times, because I could be out walking moose or I could be doing something to clear my mind and all of a sudden, things come into my head and immediately it's the easiest way to go is why? And it doesn't work, it truly doesn't. It holds me back.

Speaker 1:

So if you guys are out listening, I'm looking for tips. The only tip I know to do is to be strong and fight through, but there's got to be other ways from a mindset and from a mentality, to push yourself forward, get through the situation and be able to digest it, but not live in the past of the why, because I just and maybe I'm wrong, correct me if I'm wrong, guys but it just feels like the why is the past, Cause I keep on asking the why, and when I say, when I'm asking the why, this situation's already happened, it's done, it's in the past. And I think, by asking the why, I'm living in the past and that's what's slowing everything down for me. So I'm trying to figure out who, what and when and see how that does. Maybe there's some other way to do it to where, every single day, I have actions or steps, goals that I can take that eliminate the why out of my mindset and allows me to move forward. I don't know if that's going to work or not. I'm still.

Speaker 1:

This is struggle town for me. This is truly a challenge that I need help with, and I don't know if any of you guys are out there struggling with this, but I can tell you I know I've struggled with this for a long time and I need to address it. Best way to do it is just rip the bandaid off, let the gusher come out and bleed and let's clean it up and make it happen. Because, ultimately, where am I going to go if I continue to be on my knees and keep on asking why? Why not start focusing on okay, here's the problem. What steps can I take to overcome this problem? And the other part is the who. Maybe I'm not surrounding myself with the right people, I'm not getting into the right rooms, I'm not connected to the right individuals or groups. I feel like I'm floating out there in the world trying to understand how to shift my mindset, but better yet not fall back into the old habits of why it's very easy, just like they say it's three times easier to have a negative thought than a positive thought. I think why falls in that category.

Speaker 1:

For me personally, where I'm at today is we're battling, we're fighting, we're going to continue to push forward, but the struggle for me is why, and eliminating it from my vocabulary so I can stay focused and be present, and this is a side topic. But some of the struggles I have is when I have too much on my mind and I don't write stuff down or organize my day. I actually have issues with my thought process, my mindset, which ultimately gets me back to thinking about the why, and that's a struggle. So now I've started using reminders on my iPhone to be able to stay focused on the task at hand that I need to be able to accomplish each day, and it allows me to stop thinking about the why and start going after the who and the what, and as I check things off and I see them come off my list, it's huge because it changes the way I approach my day. It also allows me to have a positive outlook on where I'm at.

Speaker 1:

I'm focused on the things that are in front of me, because there's a lot of things that I am grateful for and blessed for and very happy that are happening. So I'm not going to dwell on it, but it sure comes up on a daily basis, sometimes hourly. So I'll see how this plays out, but love to hear your guys' feedback. Guys, thank you for tuning in, thank you for the support out there for those that already knew what was going on in my life. I hope you guys have a great week and I'll see you guys on the other side.

Navigating Life's Challenges
Staying Positive Through Daily Struggles