Chasing Financial Freedom

Become a Podcasting Prodigy: Tips for Landing Top Interviews with Adrian Moreno

March 22, 2023 Ryan DeMent Season 5 Episode 12
Become a Podcasting Prodigy: Tips for Landing Top Interviews with Adrian Moreno
Chasing Financial Freedom
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Chasing Financial Freedom
Become a Podcasting Prodigy: Tips for Landing Top Interviews with Adrian Moreno
Mar 22, 2023 Season 5 Episode 12
Ryan DeMent

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🎉 Get ready for another exciting episode of Chasing Financial Freedom! 🎧 This week, we have an extraordinary guest, Adrian Moreno 👨‍💼, sharing his insider tips on how to become a podcasting prodigy and land top interviews with ease 🚀. Adrian is a renowned expert in the industry and has helped numerous individuals and businesses secure top spots on some of the most popular podcasts in their respective niches 🌟. Now, learn from the best and become a podcast guest prodigy! 💪

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🎉 Get ready for another exciting episode of Chasing Financial Freedom! 🎧 This week, we have an extraordinary guest, Adrian Moreno 👨‍💼, sharing his insider tips on how to become a podcasting prodigy and land top interviews with ease 🚀. Adrian is a renowned expert in the industry and has helped numerous individuals and businesses secure top spots on some of the most popular podcasts in their respective niches 🌟. Now, learn from the best and become a podcast guest prodigy! 💪

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Become a Podcasting Prodigy: Tips for Landing Top Interviews with Adrian Moreno

[00:00:00] Ryan: Hey guys, Ryan DeMent from Chasing Financial Freedom Podcast. I hope you guys are having a great day today. On the podcast we have Adrian Moreno and Adrian is doing something a little different than what I get bombarded on a daily basis with. He's trying to get himself and he's got a system to be booked on podcasts.

on a daily basis. And I think, if I remember right, reading in his bio down in the bottom where he was actually getting booked almost into 50 podcasts. Is that correct? In a year? 52. 52, yes. That is pretty cool. Welcome into the show and let's let's just jump right into it and, let's talk about a little bit, let's, before we get there, let's talk a little bit about you.

How did you get to this point and what got you here? And then we'll jump into. 

[00:00:45] Adrian: Yeah, so in 2014, I definitely won't go year by year. So by the way, thanks for having me on here. I know we have some technical difficulties aside from that. No worries. 2014 went through a heartbreak and it was one of those high school heartbreaks, so the kind of heartbreak where you think your whole world comes crumbling down, where at least I thought my whole world came crumbling down.

So I thought like it, I felt like I was, like my world was crum down when I acted like that. And so what I mean by that is my grades plummeted in school. I was training to become a fireman at the time and I decided to stop training to become a fireman at the time. And then I ended up gaining a hundred pounds or 98 pounds to be exact in four years.

So I went through this. State of depression where I gained all this weight. And then as I, at that point, I had one of my friends call me out on Adrian, you gained a bunch of weight. He said it in a much director way, but , I can say what he told me woke me up out of this four year slumber.

And I said, all right I'm gonna get back in shape. And so I got back in shape over nine months. I lost 91 pounds. And after I did that, . That's what led me to starting a fitness business, right? Because you typically wanna help people solve the problems you once had. And so once I was able to lose all that weight, I wanted to help people experience the same kind of, transformation in their life.

And as I started helping them do that, I noticed that I have some clients who pay me a whole bunch of money cuz I used to charge super I would charge very expensive. So it would be like, For $5,000 for three months of coaching. And so I'd have somebody pay me five grand and change their life within that three months and, get results.

And I'd have somebody else pay me five grand, but instead of getting results, they'd just give me this big book big. Book. And when I opened up the book, it was full of all these excuses as to why they couldn't do things. Oh, I can't go to the gym because of this. Oh, I can't eat good because of this. Oh, I can't.

And so me as a coach charging all this money, you know who, and I'm like somebody who's I'm an integrity based business owner. And so I was like, I'm, you're giving me all this money, but you're not doing anything with this. And so feeling a. Bad. Instead of getting angry, I get curious and I'm like, okay, why are they doing what they do?

And that is what led me to studying hypnotherapy because I figured if I can understand how their psyche works and I can understand how to manipulate it with hypnosis, I can help them get what they want. And that was my whole premise of like, why do people do know what to do? And they want it so bad, but they don't do it.

And so this kind of drove. Crazy into a state of obsession where I was wanting to understand why humans did what they did. And so this is where I got into hypnotherapy and as a hypnotherapist, I started as an entrepreneur. I understand that, the most valuable asset that an entrepreneur has is their attention.

And so I wasn't trying to run a fitness business and a hypnotherapy business, so I closed my fitness business down and I saved up a good amount of money, so I thought I'd be okay. And I went into this hypnotherapy business thinking if I just applied everything I did to grow my fitness business, which was, sending 53 request a day deeming 52, a hundred people every day, making all the social media posts, doing all the organic stuff, then I should be able to grow my hypnotherapy business like I did this one.

But I would soon come to find out that I was completely wrong. I implemented everything, the same exact stuff. I just changed to fit the new business, and I went six months without getting a client. It extremely depressing. I felt, angry all the time. I felt scared all the time.

And to make it worse, I was known like a little semi-famous. Big entrepreneur community, like everybody knew my name in that community, and so everybody would, talk to me every day. And here I am having to hide the fact that my business is crushing and crumbling before me. And so I had to fake that everything was going okay, which made it way worse.

And then it was at that point where, I ended up having to move back to my mom's house because I lost so much money and I wasn't making anymore. It was just a very, it was my lowest point in entrepreneurship, I'd say. And then it was then in that state of desperation, and it seemed, that I discovered this idea that would save that business.

And this little idea came to me because one day I hypnotized the client, changed her life and she came back to me and was like, Adrian, I want you to come and speak to my clients. Because what you do is crazy and it'll be awesome if you can do like a group hypnosis thing and that'll be cool.

And I was like, yeah, sure. I. So I go onto her thing. She, there's typically like 30 people who show up live. I was like, all right, cool. And I was already a little part, I didn't go into a lot, is I was a bit of, I was already a speaker at the time. Like I, I was a trained speaker and a trained hypnotist, right?

So I understood how to push some emotional buttons. And so anyways, I showed up to the talk, but instead, , 30 people being on, only nine people jumped on. And then instead of being a little let down, I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna show up for these nine people and do what I do. And I did what I did.

And right after the call, I'm sit I walk downstairs to go refill my water. And as I'm two steps from the bottom, I right leg vibrates. I reach into that pocket, I look at it and it's a text message from one of the clients saying, Adrian. How do I work with you and I, and it was one of the people who was on that call and I was like, oh, I booked this call and then a second person reached out.

How do I work with you? I was like, oh, snap here, book this call. And I closed both of those. People, both of those prospects, I closed 'em both in on one call and they ended up paying me five grand each for three sessions. I've always charged. Very expensive. And so it was five grand for three sessions, and they both paid me and the other.

Okay, so that happened and then fast forward the next day, somebody who watched a replay, they said, Hey, I just watched a replay to that call. I feel like there's something you can help me with. Are you taking clients? I'm sitting there look, yes, I need clients . And so I ended up enrolling three clients, $15,000 from one talk in two days.

And at that point, and all of them paid in full. They all paid in full. None of them had a, they didn't bat an eye at my price. And if you know anything about hypnotherapy, your average hypnotherapist makes. 40 K a year, they're gonna charge you maybe 300 bucks for three sessions. And for me to come in and demand five grand for three sessions and them just pay it like nothing.

That right there was like a big made me look at it and I was like, okay, something just happened here. And that's when I. Saw that. The reason why they came to me like that is because the amount of respect they had from that experience that they had for me, and it wasn't that just the experience was great, but it's that I was endorsed by their.

Leader, I was endorsed by the person that they already respect. When somebody they respect endorses somebody, they automatically respect that person and then that person delivers. They respect them so much that they want to give them their money. and then that's when I had the epiphany that the best way to market is instead of marketing to your direct customer market, to the people who already have your direct customer, and then you will end up turning them into your direct customers.

And that's when I was like making all this, all these lists of different masterminds when all of a sudden the idea of podcasting hit me cuz I was. My, my audiences are entrepreneurs. Every audience I know, every entrepreneur I know listens to at least one podcast every single day. If I can get in front of them, they're like little masterminds, because podcasts have a host, a leader, and then they have an engaged audience, the listeners, so I can position myself on those shows.

Then I will never have to worry about another client again. And then that's where I ended up. Discovering the process. I discovered while I was going about that running on that strategy. So that was the epiphany moment. That's where I went through it, and that's the epiphany that saved my business in in that 12, 12 month span from that decision.

[00:08:39] Ryan: So let's go back to the point where you're at the lowest point and that's every single entrepreneur goes through this. Yeah, I've gone through it. Everybody's gone through that and no one understands that more than another entrepreneur because, most people that are not entrepreneurs don't realize that we have this point in our lives to where we're ready to give up.

Yeah. And that moment in time happens and goes, oh, crap. It just comes to me. Whether universe, God, however you wanna look at it, doesn't matter. It comes to you and it changes your trajectory of your business. When you were at that point, what was going through your head before you actually got that phone call or that invite for that live webinar.

[00:09:20] Adrian: Can I cuss on here or? . Yeah, I fucked up. That was the only thing going through my head the entire time was I fucked up. And the reason why I say that is because remember I made part of the story I went over is I made almost half a million dollars in that fitness business, right? But my two problems were, the first one is I didn't know how to manage my money.

And making money is a, I'm good at it, right? But I quickly realized that also managing and multiplying money is an entire. Scale. One I didn't have at the time. And so I didn't know how to handle the money. I blew it a lot on not, it's not like I went in by the car, a house, a bunch of clothes and stupid crap.

It was more, I was just investing in a 50 K mastermind here. Spending 70 grand here, making all these just big ass investments, not really thinking about 'em. Just being really emotional with my money, in other words. And then the second thing was that I went through that experience of making so much money that I stopped caring about delivering my product as a fitness coach.

As I, when I started making all this money coming from, being unemployed and selling weed and only making money like that all of a sudden to making you. 30, 40, 50 K a month. It's mind shattering. And at that point, that's when I became obsessed with just making as much money as possible.

And so as I became obsessed with that, I stopped really, delivering my product. And at that point, that's when I started to lose my reputation. Clients were getting angry, but those were the two mistakes I made. So I had all this money, right? I had my own spot. I even hired my brother. Things were going great.

and then it got to the point where I had to fire my brother. It got to the point where I had to get out of the house. I had to go back to my mom's house. And so the only thing going through my mind was I fucked up like, Adrian, how did you put yourself in this position? Like you had everything for a young 22 year old, 23 year old, and then all of a sudden, your 26 and you're hoping, I know at the time, 24 or 25, you're 24 or 25, and you're asking your mom to help you out with your car note, I was like, how did this happen?

And so that was the main thing going through my head was I was just feeling, beating myself up, feeling really guilty and heavy shame. Like my body was riddled with shame, my posture was low and my voice was low, and yeah, everything was. . 

[00:11:37] Ryan: So you hit that low point and you're getting through that, and then you get that phone call.

What did you change going forward when you started grabbing clients? You got three clients out of that. What did you change? It sounded like you were spending a lot of money in masterminds initially when you had the fitness business. Yeah. Yeah. And. I'll be the first person to say I've spent my fair share on masterminds.

And I'll be honest, they're a bunch of shit. 

[00:11:57] Adrian: A lot of them are, I've been on like, maybe one that really held its way, 

[00:12:02] Ryan: yeah. And it's about creating a tribe or a group of people that you can call your own. And it took me a long time to figure that out. And now I belong to a group of other self, pretty much, they're not all entrepreneurs.

Some of 'em are W2 employees, but they're. Like-minded individuals that are looking to accomplish something, and it's just a group of us. There's 12, 15 of us and Y we don't charge each other. We can come to each other and say, Hey man, I got a problem with my business and this is what's going 

[00:12:28] Adrian: on right there.

That is a true mine. Not. You get coached on Zoom calls with a bunch, like 50 other people every week and you get some modules. I'm like, yeah, it's, I've had 

[00:12:38] Ryan: that experience. But that's what the Mastermind has become. But if you realize and look behind that microphone or that camera or whatever, that individual's really good at creating a a program or a system to sell to people.

But he or she's not very good at managing effectively as an entrepreneur to be able to be a leader, to make that a mastermind that allows people to be successful. And that's why you have so much fraud in that space is because these people don't know how to be leaders and they. Truly checking the box to get that $50,000 

[00:13:11] Adrian: check.

Exactly. And that's where I found myself. I got really good at selling. I got really good at setting up a system to sell and I dropped, and that was a big lesson that I learned was like, I'm happy. I learned it early in my career when I didn't have, and I still don't, like a wife, kids, a mortgage, all these big responsibilities.

I was able to learn that. Front was like, if you're just here, selling stuff but not really delivering on anything that can only last for so long. It's going to get around and, good, a good lesson and I'm happy I learned it when I did expensive, but very necessary for the way that I was going.

[00:13:46] Ryan: So as you're working through the process and you start. Focusing on podcasting and being guest. Being a guest on a podcast. By the way, I did go to your website and I downloaded your free books. I want to see it. I haven't gone through it yet because, as a podcast or a host? These are, I have two podcasts.

They're not my day jobs. My day jobs is real estate development, private lending and we do some other stuff through not through a nonprofit. And there's probably on a daily, I would say weekly, let not daily, weekly, between seven to 12. PR firms that reach out to me, either to book their own client or to get me on on their payroll so we can actually, you get me promoted.

And you know what, they're all fly by nights. I have not had a single one that I can actually connect with. So when you came along dude, we gotta hear this guy's story and understand what he's doing, cuz at some point I'm gonna get time and I want to go out and. what we do. I just haven't had the time.

So now is, now's the time. You're putting it in front of me. So let's hear how you created that story. Cuz our listeners are entrepreneurs, they're small business owners, they're people that have a side hustle that wanna turn it into a full-time gig and podcasting's a great way to do it. . 

[00:14:55] Adrian: Yeah, for sure.

So you see the the hidden principle, or not the hidden, cuz I, I actually said it, but the, the lesson in the principle in that story, it's the best way to market. It's instead of marketing to your direct customer market, to the people and the organization that already have exactly the respect, it's not about, know and trust.

It's not about that. It's about the respect of that audience. Because respect is actually what gets people to give you the credit cards. If I don't respect you, but I like you, I'm not gonna pay you. Yep. So this is why. So that's what I'm about to base everything else off of. And so the way that this worked is, again, and by the way, you asked me what did I change at that point in time, I didn't change anything.

The only thing that I changed was. You know what might as well get in front of these people and talk what? What can I lose from this? I'm losing everything right now. It was just one of those swing, here's another swing. And it was just that persistence, right? You never gave up.

Exactly tw three feet from gold, right? If I'm, yep. I'm gonna keep digging and I'm not, I don't wanna stop when I'm three feet away. And going at that point when I had the epiphany that this, this is the way to market, I was like, okay, so how can I start getting on these shows?

And so the first thing I did was I bought a course from this lady who was in a mastermind that I was in one of the many , she was in one of the masterminds I was in, and everybody knew her. Space. Everybody knew her as a queen of podcast guessing. And so with that kind of branding, I went and looked her up.

I bought her course, it was 97 bucks. And I was like, all right, cool. You're gonna teach me how to do this. And so I learned the process. Cool. And I pitched 40 shows with that process. And what I got back was absolutely nothing. I didn't even get a no. I got, I didn't I didn't even get a no, like I got nothing.

And so I was like, okay. I'm, I like efficiency, and I know it's a numbers game, but I was like, I'm not gonna send another four, another 40 if that was the case. So let me dissect what's going on, right? Because a life without, I forgot who said it, but a life without reflection reflecting on it is not a life worth living.

And so I wanted, I use that for everything. And so I was like, okay, this isn't working. Let's reflect on it, see why it's not working. And as I looked at. The, this was the first part and a lot of PR agencies actually pitch like this. I know. Cause I get pitched by them. A lot of them it starts with, hello, my name is blank and I do blank.

Or I am blank. Yeah, there, there is a big key rule of marketing. . And that fundamental rule is nobody gives a damn about you. Yeah. Nobody cares about you. Now, you're you may, you may really love grind to death. I totally understand. But the reason why you tune in every week is because this show does something for you and you're looking out for yourself.

And so when you understand that rule, you see the faultiness in having, Hey, my name is blank. You're starting the email all about. . And so I was like, okay, I can't believe my marketing mind missed that. I was like, all right that's a good reason. And the second reason this thing didn't work was it was over 800 words.

And so in my mind I was like, this is a book. I was like I, I'm if I open that email, I'm asking them to complete a chore for me. I'm saying, do you want to take out the trash? That's what asking, that's what like a chore. And so I, when I saw that, I was like, okay, what am I doing other this? This is not gonna work.

Figure something else out. And so I took what I used as a hypnotist because as a hypnotist you learn all about influencing humans. And so I was like, all right, what do I know about hypnotism? That's like a tried and true principle. And one of those tried and true PRI principles is if you can pull on the strings of somebody's emotions, you can have them do whatever you want.

And when you pull on the strings of somebody's emotions, how do you do that? And I know that sounds manipulative, but all marketing at its basis is. Form of influence. It's a form of getting somebody to take an action, manipulating them, whether it's positively or negatively in a negative way. And one of the things that, that really stirs up emotions is images, pictures in people's minds create images in their entire nervous system.

If you're a vegetarian right now, think about eating, biting straight into a piece of sausage right now. That image will make you feel some kind of way. And if you. Stand carrots. Imagine eating a carrot right now. Your body will feel some kind of way. And so images create feelings. And so I was like, all right, I gotta create a picture in this host's mind, cuz if I can create a picture in their mind, I'm the director of that movie and I can tell them what to do.

I can have some kind of way to influence them. And so I was like, all right. . I know the number one things, and this is one of the things that I learned from being a copywriter. So a copywriter's, like a copywriter and a hypnotist met in a bar. And so as a copywriter I was like, okay, one of the things that influence, that influences emotions and stories, and I know that stories create pictures in people's minds.

So I was like, okay, I gotta tell a story with this pitch. , like I gotta get them. But they can't just see that in an email because things get lost in translation. . So I was, instead of an email, I gotta turn the webcam on and do this video. I turned the webcam on and I did a video and I sent that video.

And it wasn't one video that I got sent to 10 people. It was. Per, it was, if I was pitching 10 people, I made 10 videos, meaning every single video I said their name, the name of the show, why I like their show. I refer to one of the episodes and I genuinely do listen to an episode. Like I actually will go for a workout cause I don't see it as wasting time.

I'll go for a workout or I'll like, listen to 10 minutes of it. Maybe it might not listen to the whole thing. But I will show them that I've invested in them in some way. And then I include that in each video. But I sent 10 videos out. I was like, look, instead of sending 40, let me just do 10.

See what happens. So I sent, I sent 10 pictures out and I got booked on eight. Every one of them responded. The two that said, no, at least responded, no, all the other eight, they all said yes. And so I got booked on eight outta 10, and that's when I realized I got something here. And so I went on and I made a list of.

200 and something shows, and I only pitched 121 and that's where I got booked on 52. But that was like the process I went through to Find it and refine it and just, that's that's the process I went through to finding the process and like creating, so just very 


[00:21:09] Ryan: so are you still shooting individual videos for every podcast you're pitching? 

[00:21:13] Adrian: Yes. I still am shooting videos for every individual podcast I'm pitching, but now I have an assistant who pitches maybe 80% of the time. So I pitch maybe. Like 30 minutes a month. So I don't spend a lot of time pitching.

It's, I have somebody who I've hired at this point to do it for me. 

[00:21:29] Ryan: There's tools that you can do that. 

[00:21:30] Adrian: I know there's ai. My friend told me about this AI thing, and he showed me it and how he made a video and and like it was all AI blew my mind. I was like, all right, let me like focus on, I'm like, okay, let me like.

Letting me figure this thing out all the way, and I'll dive into all of that. But I know there are tools out there. I don't know how to use them. I'm just a chat G p T fan right now. But aside from that, yeah, I know there are tools. 

[00:21:53] Ryan: Yeah there's some pretty good tools and I've looked at that.

Cause it's, one of the things I was gonna get into was sharing videos with prospects as I start reaching out to people to be on their podcast, cuz we met on pod match. Pod match keeps me busy as a host, but then the other side of it as being a guest, it's a whole nother world and I probably have 25 or 30 invites already sitting on that side of the wall that I need to go figure out.

But I've gotta be also honest with myself too. Some of those podcasts are not my, are not gonna match with what I'm trying to do. So I'm trying to figure out, do I just do it to check the box and say, 

[00:22:27] Adrian: okay, yeah, that's great. Why do you, real quick I wanna ask you and why do you think they're not worth, or they're not the kind of podcast that's gonna do what you want to do?

[00:22:35] Ryan: just for the simple fact, their audience base is not what I typically play to. Some of their audience base is gonna be a good example of one is just mothers. I don't know how my real estate investing business is gonna relate to being a mother. 

[00:22:50] Adrian: It's, yeah. Yes. So that's very true.

You do wanna find the right podcast. A thing I want people to just look out for is Don. , avoid or don't stray away from smaller podcasts. If they have your audience, you're very right. There is no point in being a guest on a podcast if they don't have your ideal audience. I don't bring value. Yeah, exactly.

And if you don't, because you know who you bring the most value to. And if you're not gonna spend your time bringing the most value, what's the point? And so you want to do it to an ideal audience. Now the thing is, I've talked to a lot of people and they're like some of these shows have less than a thousand, listen.

I'm like, but do you not understand how niche down and how highly engaged those listeners are? Yep. I made $25,000 from a guest from a podcast. It was a software that I use. They can show you how much listeners they have per episode. They had 129 listeners per episode, and my episode, the week it was released, brought me 25 grand in terms of actual cells.

And . It doesn't matter how big the show is. I've made a lot more money by being on a bigger show. But it doesn't really matter in terms of if you're chasing the bigger shows right out of the gate, if you don't have a lot of credibility, it's gonna be more difficult. Yeah. Even if your pitch is top notch.

. But aside from that it's more of the quality. Like I only, I would like, I would rather fish where the most valuable fish are. And there's only a few than fish in, the biggest pond of all the most useless tap poles in the world. What am I gonna do with those tap poles, right?

And so it's I'd rather go fish in the little pond that I know has 10 big ass catfish. And so it's just a game of quality. 

[00:24:27] Ryan: And that's part of it. Cuz I, I play to multiple audiences. So from real estate we look for home buyers. So home buyers would be through realtors. And you'd be amazed how many realtors have podcasts.

Oh, and I reach out to those. We also play in the private lending or private mortgage. So if, let's say you, your credit's not so hot or you have very little credit, but you have enough for down payment. We become the bank and we actually have a lending arm that allows us to do that.

There's a whole nother group of loan originators, mortgage loan originators that have all that. And then the other piece of it is just business in general. I like to talk about it and go on those type of podcasts. So I have a very diverse background in Nicheing Down is one of the things that I've really focused on when it comes to this piece.

 Is if I'm gonna go, if. . Let's say we're doing a development or something to that extent, I will try to go find the podcast that will give me that biggest bang for the buck when it comes to home buyers. So realtors, mortgage loan, originators, or anybody that is in that space that talks about home ownership.

I wanna be on their show. Yeah. I wanna be able to talk to them. I want to be able to connect with their guests. You be a, 

[00:25:35] Adrian: I'm sorry, what's that? Go ahead. I was gonna say, I was gonna say, . Another good angle for you would think about going on a show all about retirement, right? People are listening to that podcast because they want one thing.

a healthy retirement, which means healthy finances, you have a way that can put you in a place where retirement becomes a lot easier. . And because you're in a much better position and so there's so many different creative angles to what you. Do as a hypnotherapist. I went on a business, I went on a show all about SOPs, but I went on, and the reason I talked about, the reason I went on that show is cause I was like, you help your people set up systems.

They have fears, doubts, and I ideas in their mind that keep them from being the kind of c e o who even sets up and cares about systems, what I can do that can go on your show and talk 'em out of that so they can implement those systems. And so there are so many different creative. For you to hit your audience.

When you focus on the bucket and what the bucket is there's three health, wealth and relationships. , within those buckets, there's a bunch of submarkets markets, submarkets and niches in this amount. And so when you focus on what bucket you, because chances are you do a couple of things, they all probably fall under the wealth bucket.

And so you can hit up a lot of. in that niche and angle your pitch to show how it can lead to whatever their end goal is, right? If you do crypto and you do yield farming and you're expert on yield, yield farming, you can go on a show that's all about passive income and you can say, Hey, you do passive income and here's a new op, new way to create passive income.

And so when you do it your opportunity if you really expand and there's a lot of creative ways to look. 

[00:27:14] Ryan: I also like to look at shows that are different in my in than my thought process. There are some in real estate investing shows that all they do is landlording.

And I'm like, why do you want tenants toilets and 2:00 AM phone calls when you can be the bank and control the asset? And man does that rile 'em up. And it's fun because that's what private lending's all about. You control the asset it's passive. You gotta do your homework up front, but it's passive in the end and you never have to get that 2:00 AM phone call saying that your toilet's.


[00:27:42] Adrian: Period. And it makes the conversation a lot more interesting too. Yeah. When you come from a different mental model, it shakes up the audience. Audience makes 'em think a little different. That's valuable. And hosts will dig that. So that's another great part. If you get a chance to really be unshakably convicting in what you do that you gain respect from audience that's like a hidden.

Benefit of podcasting is like the amount of respect that you can gain from somebody by being on podcasts allows you to really state the way that you feel. And when you do it on podcasts, it positions you even subconsciously as more of an authority figure to that prospect's mind when they see you on a podcast.

Even if they're like, oh, this guy is not that big of a deal. Subconsciously, they're more, they're probably. , I'm more than likely gonna join this guy's email list. , because, he sounds, like he knows what he is talking about, but it's not because I sound like that it's also because of the positioning of being on a podcast, 

[00:28:40] Ryan: yeah. And it's, it, the medium of podcasting is far reaching, especially that it'll sit there forever. Once you put that episode out, it's just reoccurring for you. And now, . 

[00:28:52] Adrian: Yeah. The mission ship is bound to grow too. Yeah. 

[00:28:54] Ryan: And then if it's a podcast, that's one of the things that I've noticed in this podcast that you're on chasing financial freedom is on year five, and I've gone back every year and looked at the podcast that started at the same time, and 85% of them are gone.

They're done. They're closed. They do not do an active episode anymore, which is, I know is pretty standard in the industry. But from there, mine is just, is grown. I And cotton matches. Yeah, but pod match has really taken off. I can remember getting 10 and 50 D, 10 to 15 downloads per episode.

Now I'm getting three to four or five a thousand downloads per episode. Yeah, it's crazy, but it's consistent. And that's where I think the guesting piece comes in is one this is just my op opinion and I'd love to hear yours. Being on the other side of it and being a host really helps you solidify your position as a guest because now you understand what the host goes through on a daily basis.

Yep. And now when you come as a guest, you can come with your A game, but you also can relate to that other side of the microphone and bring more value to those listeners. 

[00:30:00] Adrian: No, that's very true. That's very true. You're. You're typically a better guest if you host especially a interview style podcast because you are fac facilitating those kind of conversations.

Even if you don't consciously know it, you unconsciously become competent at being a guest in that fact, in that matter. And yeah, you connect better and there's definitely benefit in that. And the biggest thing I want people to see about podcast guessing is Neil Patel. . There is one podcast, there's one marketing channel that has the wealthiest people and what's that marketing?

it is podcast listeners. On average, 63% of them, bus Sprout said over 63% of podcast listeners make a hundred thousand dollars. And their household income is typically, on average, a quarter million dollars a year. Meaning they have the money to pay you, pay for your services because people who listen to podcasts are like readers.

Readers make more money than non. Podcast listeners tend to make more money than non podcast listeners because you're learning something and so that audience has the money for you and even better I think it was 68 or 58. I might be wrong on what I mean, it's one of those numbers, but 68 to 58% of podcast listeners seriously consider brands whenever they are advertised to them and they don't mind being marketed to, and they don't, they seriously consider the brands because the brand is coming off of a show that they really.

And they really respect. And because they respect that show, they're, again, remember that power of respect, right? I'm not a political person, but I once really disliked Trump. But then I saw the way he carried himself in a lot of the, in a lot of different ways. And I was like, God dang, I don't really like him, but I still respect him in a lot of ways.

And so there are people that you, doesn't matter if you don. If the is not there, you can still gain that trust. And so that's what podcasts, again that's the power of podcasting. And another thing about podcasting is in 2020, it was 144 million US listeners. In 2022, it was 394 million US listeners.

As of to date, it has now passed over half. A billion listeners in the US alone, and they're thinking by the end of 2025, it'll be at a billion that is skyrocketing in terms of the actual speed of growth. It's gonna skyrocket in the next two years. And so this medium. It's still only begun. And there is, and there's not a lot of people who see this as a marketing channel, especially if you are a coach, consultant, expert, author.

This is like your playground right now. Is podcast guessing. And so I would say, I do believe that a lot of marketing angles and marketing channels do die out. So you gotta strike while the iron is hot. And right now the iron is hot and I see it being hot for a really good. 

[00:32:45] Ryan: Yeah, podcasting is a great medium and you've gotta make sure that you're doing it.

And most people, and I say most, a lot of people are afraid of the camera. They're afraid of speaking. So you've gotta get your message down. And that's the other piece as a guest. And then I wanna jump into, your ebook and what you're sharing. And then we'll wrap things up is, how do you get your message out there?

How do you be consistent with your message? And then what do you. How do you tailor your message to each podcast? 

[00:33:10] Adrian: Yeah, so the best way to get your message out there is, I know it sounds very simple, but it's to do it. Many people they have all the plans and strategies, but the reality is they mentally masturbate and don't do it

So getting your message out there. is a ma, I'm not gonna overcomplicate it. It's a matter of bucking up and doing it. So that's number one. And really owning your value because if you show doubt in your marketing, people lose respect for you. So like really know your expertise, really own your value.

And now in terms of doing it in a way that actually makes your, makes a return, cuz you can get a Facebook account and start putting your message out there, but it's not gonna do anything. And to start posting and stuff. So you gotta be strategic. The best way to do. First and foremost, find out where your audience has already gathered at.

So find out. The easiest way to do this is make a list of the influencers in your space. So for me, in the podcasting space, podcasting is really under the bucket of wealth and it's under the submarket of marketing. . And so who are the biggest players in marketing? Okay. Russell Brunson, Amy Porterfield, Frank Kern.

I'm gonna learn from all of these really big marketers in this space. And so what I do is I like to find out where those marketers spend their time, where they have their biggest followings. And and since we're talking about podcasting, Open up your podcast app. I'm of giving you like some of the keys here, but open up your podcast app, look up that influencer's name, and you're gonna find all the podcasts.

One, you're gonna find the podcast they own. Second, you're gonna find all the podcasts that they've been featured on, all the podcasts that they've been featured on are already. Clearly interested in your topic. They're interested in your niche, and they're interested in guest. And so you can start making, writing these podcasts down, right?

And you can, these, this is the list that you're gonna start marketing to, but the way you wanna build it is build your dream 100. So your dream one, your dream 100 is just 100 of the people. that have your audience, whether it's a podcast, whether it's an organization, whether it's a business In this context podcast, right?

Write out a hundred podcasts that have your audience. I did 276. I only pitched 121, but I still made a big list. And don't just end at a hundred, but that's step one. Step two is befriending in somehow. Adding value to that host in a way that gets you promoted by that host or gets you endorsed by that host.

The way that I ended up on this show was I added value to Ryan through an interesting pitch, and that it was interesting enough for him to want me on this show, and now by having me on this show, it's a. Form of endorsement. And so you want to befriend or another ones to rub elbows with those organizations, with those people, with those influencers inside of that niche.

And then third, that's where you flex, right? That's where you actually show what you do, you deliver if you're being, if I came on here and bombed there'd be no point, right? You probably wouldn't even post a damn thing. And so what? And so what you wanna do is you wanna make sure, like that's why I always say podcast guessing is all also a good way.

To weed out the people who ain't linked shit, who really are not good at what they do, who really are just a lot of talk and not experts. Cause if you're on a podcast and you get challenged on a podcast and you don't know how to, an you don't know how to conduct yourself, you don't how to answer and you don't deliver a real value.

The podcast world, which is built off of value, will see straight through that, and this won't work for you. So this weeds out those players, which is another thing. If you know that you're already valuable, podcasting will position you as that. And so that's like the first chunk of that answer. And the last chunk of that answer is how do you tailor your message to each audience?

And so this comes down to understanding the organization, understanding the podcast, understanding what the podcast wants, and so in the context of podcast, I'm gonna read your description, every single word of your description. I'm gonna read the people, whoever you say your audience is, I'm gonna read that.

Whoever you say, the kind of podcast host you want, I'm gonna read that whenever I'm gonna go look at your episode topics. Your episode titles. I'm gonna read those. I'm even gonna read the descriptions of those episodes. I'm gonna listen to an episode or two, or listen to a part of an episode to really understand the podcast.

I'm going to understand what that podcast wants and what that podcast wants at the end of the day is to make their audience say, wow, I learned something that was transformative. If I go implement this, my life will be different. I will have better results as a podcast host. I know that's what I want out of my show.

I. my audience's life to be enriched because of my show. And to me that means them making more money in their business to Ryan, that means being financially free that, or whatever that means, right? And so you need to know what that means for them. And now that's when you tailor what you do as a vehicle.

to achieve that me that outcome. Like I know for, I know he, he wants, Ryan wants his guest to have financial freedom. And I know that my process brought me a quarter million dollars last month from working from home and not doing a lot. And now I have the income that, was allowed me to make the investments that are gonna lead to more financial freedom for me.

And so you can position your vehicle. Bless me. You can position your vehicle, your expertise, your opportunity as a route, as a path to accomplish what that podcast hosts wants for their guests to accomplish. And so that's what it really comes down to is no first finding out who your people are. You got one.

You gotta know who your people are. If you don't know that, that you gotta go do that. But what you know who your people are, who you're selling. It becomes easy as 1, 2, 3 to figure out where they're hanging out online. And when you figure out where they're hanging out online, then you're able to Rob Elbow was with those communities, with those organizations.

And then before you know it, you get endorsed and you make sure you truly understand the stage that you're on, that's what allows you to tailor your message. My message is always the same. The best way to market is to market directly to the people who have your people, instead of marketing directly to your people that I know is my message.

And I can tater, I can dress that message up in many different ways to fit the show that I'm. And . That's my long answer to your short question, . 

[00:39:29] Ryan: That's awesome. So we're getting close to here to wrapping up. How can everyone get ahold of you and then I know you've got an e-book if you wanna share that, and then we'll definitely put it in the show notes for sure.

[00:39:39] Adrian: So right now I'm about to implement one of the cardinal rules in my process. So yeah, I got booked on 52 shows. That's cool. The better stat is I generated a little bit under a quarter million. From those 52 shows. And the way that I've done that is through what I'm about to do right now. And that is not complimenting, not complicating things for the audience.

You just asked me how does the audience reach me? Hopefully I save all your future guests from doing this. If they listen to this and that is, . What they typ, what most people typically do is sit here and say you can reach me on my website here, my Instagram here, my LinkedIn here, my Facebook this, and this.

What this does is create a problem of too many options. , and so what I'm about to say is, Hey, if you wanna follow me, go to And what you're gonna do is you're gonna put your information in there, you're gonna put your email, and I'm gonna send you an e-book. I'm gonna send you an e-book.

Why break down the three step framework that I've used to not only get booked on 52 podcasts, but to turn those podcasts into income profit centers that have allowed me to make over now to this point over a quarter million dollars. through podcast guessing. So that's how you can follow me is again, one more time.

Go to the power, put in your email and I will give you that ebook so you can start leveraging other people's audiences. And that right there is the last tip that I'm gonna leave y'all with right there is at the end, give them one lead. It give them one. I'm gonna give them one way to reach you.

And that way to reach you should be a lead magnet That gives them a reason to give you their email. And then once you give me your email, you'll see that I'm pretty aggressive with my follow up, but the, that's the way that I convert my customers as they come from the podcast to my email list. I follow up on my email list and I make sales.

And that's where you can reach me though. I just wanted to make sure I. Sprinkling a little lesson there. But again, the tire pitch code slash pdf and it'll be in the show notes, 

[00:41:46] Ryan: I'm sure. Yeah, we'll put in the show notes. Sir, thank you for coming on. It's it's been an honor and it's been a great conversation and what you shared was invaluable and the point in your life where you were at the lowest and you actually pulled it out.

Another successful entrepreneur being able to do what we do best is staying persistent and no problem really changing the. 

[00:42:08] Adrian: Yes. Changing as a hypnotist, that's what I did all day, was change people's stories. I'm not enough to, I am good enough. Exactly. And so it's always story that we have. I fucked everything up to, oh, this is an opportunity for me.

Yep. And so it's 

[00:42:20] Ryan: the only way to live, but a lot of people miss that. And that could be a whole nother conversation on a podcast that we could talk 

[00:42:26] Adrian: about. Oh yeah. Just let me know. Let me know. I can jam all this. This is kinda what I do, so Yeah. Let me know, 

[00:42:32] Ryan: brother. Cool. All right. Thanks for coming on.

Absolutely. Thanks for 

[00:42:36] Adrian: having me.