Chasing Financial Freedom

Ep. 276 | Resilience in Reflection: Embracing Gratitude and Unity in Times of Change

April 17, 2024 Ryan DeMent Episode 276

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As the markets sway with the winds of geopolitical shifts, I find myself grappling with the intricate dance of treasury yields and real estate trends. Yet, it's the personal moments, like the recent surgery of my beloved mother, that truly reshape my understanding of life's worth. In our latest conversation, I take you through these turbulent financial times, not just as a sterile observer but as a participant deeply touched by life's fragile balance. We'll explore how the quest for material success fades in comparison to the riches of service, as I share my journey towards volunteering at a local food bank and the immeasurable value of community support.

Turning the lens inward, I confess my own aspirations for family life and the beauty found in acts of gratitude and altruism. At 50, with dreams of marriage and children still alive, I'm reminded that the future is a canvas of possibilities. Join me in an intimate reflection on how the simple act of giving can spark transformative personal growth and lead to the most unexpected of life's chapters. We'll discuss the power of cherishing the present and how, through service and gratitude, we can build resilience and hope, not only for ourselves but for those around us. This episode is a heartfelt testament to the strength found in unity and the profound impact of leading with purpose and connection.

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, hope you guys are having a great week this week. I want to continue a little bit on the rollercoaster ride, but then also talk about some insights that I see going on in the marketplace, but also in the world. There's craziness going on Iran attacking Israel. That shot off the 10-year and the 30-year treasuries, where they skyrocketed. So we're now approaching 4.6% on the 10-year and we're approaching over 5% on the 30-year. So that is going to shake up the real estate market for sure.

Speaker 1:

And then on a personal front, this week and I haven't shared a lot of that is my mom had to have some surgery. She's doing well, she's resting, and that brought everything into perspective for myself. Again, I seem to get sidetracked on perspective and what's important to me and I saw a post on social the other day or today, I can't remember is don't think about what you're achieving, think about what that does for you as a person. Get rid of the material things and start thinking of the positive things that you get to do in life and the impact that you're doing. And to go full excuse me, full circle on that is the service piece. It's all about taking care of others. We don't hear a lot of that today. We don't deal with that today a lot and I would strongly suggest we get into that place, because when you think about it, when you're in a bad place, there's typically somebody else that's in a worse spot than you are, and does that make you feel better? Does it change the way the world works? No, but can we be better humans, better at helping others in their time of need? That old adage what comes around goes around Karma is a bitch. Comes around, goes around Karma is a bitch. But also, the same time, when you're serving others and you're helping them get through their storm and their dark moments is huge.

Speaker 1:

For me it's rewarding. I get it through selling houses, but I know I've got to do more and I've got a couple ideas that I'm going to flush out and see what I can do. I really want to help people around. Financial literacy, being able to buy a home, educating them on the home buying process those type of things help me relax and get into a better spot and it allows my mind to just drift off. The other thing is I want to figure out I don't think there's a local food pantry that's near me or a food bank. I want to volunteer there and pack boxes for people in need. I used to do that at my prior life, at Discover, and I'd love to be able to do it again. So it's all about the giving aspect of life.

Speaker 1:

But we're so caught up in achieving all these goals the next promotion, the next pay raise, the next project you're managing to get you on the radar, but we actually don't sit back and look at what we've accomplished, one but two. How are we helping others along this journey? And I think that's just where I'm at, perspective-wise, is I'm stressing about everything in life, but I need to make sure that I'm impacting the people in my life, that I love and care for. People in my life that I love and care for, that also help me do better in life, that support me during my time of need because we all have it. It is critical to have a tribe around you, otherwise, where can you go? If you can't have support and be able to be with people that help you and will push you to get through those tough times, how is your life ever going to change? You can't do it on your own. It's just like entrepreneurship. You can try to do it on your own, but at some point it's going to fail, it's going to break, and I too have been there also and I too have been there also and I'm still there.

Speaker 1:

At times I am still struggling with being a solopreneur and today I'm hoping, with these I've got some, several phone calls that I've got scheduled that can help me grow the business to where these individuals have expertise in lead generation, but also closers to where it gets passed off to me and I'm not having to do all the work. That'll be huge. That'll be huge for our real estate business, it'll be huge for our lending business and, soon to be, our brokerage side, where I can be a real estate agent slash broker Got to take the test. It's been delayed several weeks and I'm working on getting that back together. But all these things going on, the one thing I come back to and I'm going to make it short this week, guys is this Family and loved ones, friends.

Speaker 1:

However you want to look at that, family and loved ones, friends, however you want to look at that, are the most critical aspects of my life and I feel I've potentially let some of my friends and family down. And after yesterday, going through my mom's surgery, getting her home taking care of her. It brought perspective that my mom could be no longer here, and it's sad that it takes this type of thing to happen to say, okay, I need to make a change or I need to focus more on the positive things in my life versus the things that I'm trying to accomplish, that I don't have things in my life versus the things that I'm trying to accomplish that I don't have. And I think there's a happy medium there to where I know that focusing on the things that I have today are critical to get me into tomorrow and can't worry about the past because the past is done. I have to live in this 30 seconds here in front of me, like I'm shooting this video now, to be able to have an honest conversation with myself about life and what I'm trying to accomplish and what I want to do. I truly want peace in my life. I truly want to be financially free so I can help others, including my family and loved ones and friends.

Speaker 1:

But I can't get there if I'm totally distracted on a daily basis with all the other aspects of life and noise that's going on in the world and I have to really sit down and think about what I'm grateful for, what I want in life and then go after it and then, as I progress, I need to be thankful for those things. I'm not thankful enough and I know you guys are probably saying, ryan, this is not entrepreneurship. It sure is, because it's life. Entrepreneurship is life, and if you're not happy in life, how are you supposed to be an accomplished entrepreneur, small business owner, husband, wife, uncle, aunt, father, mother? It doesn't work. It all stems from the core of what's inside you outwards, and I'm struggling with that.

Speaker 1:

I truly am, because I'm so worried about all the things going on in life and I'm not being thankful for the things that I do have and really reflecting on that and then being able to help others during their time of need. So, guys, this week, others during their time of need. So, guys, this week I want to focus on getting that done. I'm going to probably do some short videos and talk about that a little bit more as I progress and get through some of these things that are going on. I'm still somewhat decompressing from yesterday my mom's surgery, because it was something more than just minor.

Speaker 1:

I'm not ready to share it at this point, but if once I do, I will, but I truly have to start being thankful for everything in front of me right now and truly feeling it inside and start helping more people in different ways, because it's going to help me in the long run. And I know, guys, when it comes to this, it truly is a game changer. It's life changing. When you start putting others first and you start making sure they're taken care of, life changes. It changes in a great way.

Speaker 1:

I'm 50 years old, I'm single, I'd like to be married and kids. Is it in my cards? I don't know, but I truly want to try and see what happens. But until I start really putting it out there and being thankful for what I have, how is anything going to change if I don't actually go after it and change what's inside? Instead of worrying and focused on the things that I'm trying to accomplish, be thankful for the things I have. All right, guys. Hope you guys have a great week, stay healthy, stay safe. I'll see you guys on the other side.

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