Chasing Financial Freedom

Ep 302 | How to Conquer Work-Life Chaos and Achieve Your Growth Goals

Ryan DeMent Episode 302

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Struggling to balance the demands of work and life can often feel like being caught in a whirlwind, but what if there's a way to steer through it effectively? Join me as I share my personal battles with the anxiety of unfinished tasks and the strategies that have become my lifeline—such as the power of Do Not Disturb and time-blocking. This episode promises to peel back the layers on how recharging and stepping back are essential for leading effectively, both in personal realms and professional pursuits. As I candidly navigate these waters, the idea of bringing a virtual assistant on board emerges as a potential game-changer in maintaining productivity while ensuring mental peace.

On the business horizon, expanding in the affordable and workforce housing sector comes with its own unique set of hurdles. While the current setup limits us to managing a few properties, the vision for growth is bold: Imagine scaling up to build multiple homes simultaneously. Despite the challenges, my optimism is fueled by the promising potential of new tools and strategies that could revolutionize our approach. Join me as I explore the trials and triumphs of this journey, emphasizing the vital role of perseverance and strategic planning in turning ambitious visions into reality.

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Speaker 1:

Guys, this week it's me and we're going to go over a bunch of stuff that is happening in life, but also, better yet, what's happening in business. So let's get right to it. So, in life, I would really break everything down into two steps. One is managing my time effectively, to be able to give myself time on the weekends to relax, recuperate. And two is mindset. And when I say mindset, it's a struggle right now, because the piece that I can tell you that I am struggling with is juggling multiple tasks and then worrying about them, thinking that I'm not getting them done quick enough, and that is a bad mindset to be in. So let's talk about recharging the batteries.

Speaker 1:

As entrepreneurs, small business owners, even if you're working a W-2 job, how can you actually be effective if you don't have anything in your tank? How can you be a great leader? How can you be a great father or mother or brother or sister, whatever if you don't have any fuel in your tank? And I've been running on empty for way too long, and I know we've talked about this in prior episodes that taking Sundays off to recuperate is great and then I've started to dial back Saturdays to where I am actually only working till one or two o'clock in the afternoon and starting some downtime then. Has it helped me mindset wise? Yes, but I'm still anxious. I still have some anxiousness about things that need to get done, typically on Saturdays. For the last probably three to four weeks, I use it to catch up on. I got to speak better English today, don't I? On paperwork and things that are not really revenue generating tasks. I'm staying focused during the week to be all in on what tasks can I be doing that'll generate more revenue for myself and for the business? And the only way to do that is to put some of these these I don't know what you want to call them I guess the best way to describe it is paperwork tasks in the background and wait till Saturday and then get them all worked out.

Speaker 1:

The challenge is some of these tasks need to be done during the week, so I have to do it either later in the day or at night, and that just makes my day even longer. I need to be able to balance out where I'm at with these tasks and I'm at the point and hear me out. I need to have another VA and I've been looking for one. I've interviewed probably about six or seven Haven't found one yet but looking for somebody that would have experience doing these tasks whether it be for loan originations or for real estate investing to where I'm not having to do these on a daily basis. It's not cost related, it's more do I have enough work right now to be able to bring somebody on and, let's say, work 20 hours a week? I know I don't have enough for 40 hours right now, and that's fine, but do I have enough for 20 hours? And I'm trying to carve out exactly how I can budget and be able to bring somebody in to give them 20 hours of work. So that's on the runway.

Speaker 1:

The next piece is the anxiety piece of not being able to get stuff done and I'm bouncing back and forth on tasks and then nothing gets done. All of my notifications, email text messages, anything from social and just focusing in on one. It doesn't have to be one task. It could be one item that I need to be able to finish and bring it to the finish line and check it off and then go to the next. I typically will bounce back and forth and not, and really not, move anything to the finish line and then finally get to a point to where I have to, otherwise it won't get done and then it becomes a problem. So I can tell you guys here, not even the time blocking that I've talked about on prior episodes episodes it's helping but it's not fixing it.

Speaker 1:

I have to go on Do Not Disturb, especially if I'm doing some tasks that require my mind to be focused and making sure that I'm crunching the numbers right or I'm paying attention to what I'm doing, like when I'm shooting this video or this podcast. I'm on Do Not Disturb because I don't want to see everything going on. I know my eyes have been moving around and so forth. I forgot to put my computer on do not disturb. So I just did that and now I'm wholly focused on this. I'm practicing what I preach. It's a lot more difficult than I thought, but it's starting to work its way through the system for me to where I know that, okay, I'm going on, do not disturb, going head down on this, getting this done to the finish line.

Speaker 1:

If someone texts me or call me, if I don't call them back in 20 or 30 minutes or an hour, it's not the end of the world and I had anxiety over that. If someone called me and I missed it, their call and I didn't call them back in a short period of time. I felt I was letting them down and then letting me down. So, mindset wise, I have to be focused on the abundance and not the scarcity, and I think by bouncing back and forth on tasks and not getting them done is scarcity, instead of just focusing on one item and bringing it to the finish line and checking the box and moving it forward.

Speaker 1:

I can't say that I'm being effective in my time management, but also effective in getting things completed to generate more revenue. And then on the business side, guys, it's going to be somewhat short this week. We're not going to go crazy long, but for me, business it's bouncing back and forth and there has been some headway made on the real estate development. But then there's also some headwinds we're hitting and it's tough to be able to deal with both of those at the same time. But better yet, it feels like I take three or four steps forward and then I take two or three steps back.

Speaker 1:

I'm still a little bit of a little head, but in the grand scheme of things I'm not far enough along and patience is one of those things that I know that I've got to work on a daily basis, especially as us, as entrepreneurs and small business owners, we have to build our business and sometimes it doesn't move as quickly as we think it's going to move, and that's frustrating. And that's where we're at, is we're the the. The headway that we're making is that we're getting eyeballs on our development and starting to build more relationships. The headwind is we have more competition and the competition is pushing prices down because the competition has different ways that they attract capital into their business and it becomes tough to be able to compete when we're playing at a disadvantage when it comes to capital raise and capital stack Not going to go into it on the podcast because I want to be able to work through it, but basically we're working at a disadvantage and we knew this, but we didn't know it was at this much of a disadvantage.

Speaker 1:

Shame on me, but in the end we have to figure it out and be able to move forward. But in the end we have to figure it out and be able to move forward. I don't know what that looks like yet, but I can tell you that we're going to find a way to make it work and make it effective for the business, but also turn it into a business model that will allow us to scale at a different level, because today one, two, three, four houses doesn't work. We need to be doing five, six, seven houses and to be able to get some of these tools that we're working on I don't want to say they're game-changing, but they'll be pretty doggone close to being game-changers to where we could compete in this affordable housing space or workforce housing space a lot more effectively but also be able to take down a lot more infilled lots so we can actually put a runway together that would allow us to then go from, say, three houses to six houses, to eight houses, to 10 houses at a time, not buying 10 lots and then building one.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about being able to get to a point to where we can start building a dozen or 10 to 12 houses at a time. I know that's a little bit of a stretch for us, but I feel that it can be done. But we have to work through this headwind that's really pushing us back and I've got to stand upright and figure out how to take it on. All right, guys, that's really all I wanted to share this week. I hope you guys are having a great week. Stay healthy, stay safe, and I'll see you guys on the other side.

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