Chasing Financial Freedom

Ep 320 |Break Free from Time Traps and Optimize Your Productivity in 3 Steps

Ryan DeMent Episode 320

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Time is our most valuable asset, but too often, we let it slip away, distracted by endless meetings, multitasking, and the overwhelming pressure of checking off to-do lists. In this Chasing Financial Freedom Podcast episode, I dive deep into the core of productivity and share how you can break free from the time traps that hinder your success.

As entrepreneurs and leaders, we are constantly bombarded with tasks, but it's essential to remember that focus is the key to achieving real success. I’ll explain how we often fall into the trap of multitasking, why it's slowing us down, and what singular focus can do to boost your business, career, and personal life.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The 3 actionable steps to carve out more productive time each day.
  • How to cut distractions, including the endless cycle of meetings, and prioritize what truly matters for your success.
  • Taking back control of your time can dramatically impact your financial growth and personal happiness.

I’ll share some personal tips, including how breaking your day into focused blocks, like successful entrepreneurs such as Ed Mylett, can multiply your productivity. You’ll also hear how to stay focused, eliminate distractions, and maximize every minute you spend working.

Are you ready to optimize your time and unlock your true potential? Tune in to this week’s episode to break free from the common time traps that steal your energy and success. By following the strategies I’ll share today, you’ll learn how to stay focused, achieve more in less time, and ultimately reach your goals faster.

If you found value in this episode, subscribe to Chasing Financial Freedom Podcast and leave a review. Please share your time-optimization tips with me on social media, or drop me a message with your feedback! Let’s continue this conversation and move forward together.

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, ryan DeMint, hope you guys are having a great day. Today on the podcast we're gonna follow up on a couple topics we talked about the last several weeks Faith journey, focus and, lastly, today I wanna talk about singular focus. I know we talked about focus before, but as an entrepreneur, we're hit with 5 million things on a daily basis and if we're not focused on the single most productive cast that generates money for the bottom line, how are we supposed to be successful in our businesses? We won't, and I know every single one of us struggles in this section of our lives. But the other thing that I want to bring up and start talking about is this we all think we can multitask. We all think we could do three or four things at a time or more.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever really looked at what you're doing on a daily basis and then figuring out you're trying to accomplish four or five things at a time and how many of those things do you get to the finish line? Typically one, sometimes none, because you're so distracted with everything else. I know for myself distraction comes from my cell phone, which I have do not disturb on, so when I'm doing videos like this, when I'm hyper-focused on a task that I know that I need to get done to generate revenue for the business. It just goes on do not disturb. And then I'm not looking at my watch seeing who's texting me or what the email is, because that's an all-day process and I've struggled with FOMO fear of missing out. I'm afraid if someone emails me, texts me or calls me, if I don't pick up immediately I'm losing the deal or something's going to go wrong. I know that's not the case. There are times that it will happen. I know it will. But guess what? If I'm focused on my singular task that I need to get done for the day or the morning or whatever I'm trying to do, if I bring that to the finish line and it generates revenue for my business, I'm a winner.

Speaker 1:

And one of the things that I heard I think it was from Ed Milad he breaks his day up into two parts the first 12 hours and the second 12 hours. He basically breaks it up to where, 6 am to noon, he has his tasks in there that he wants to get assigned or he has assigned, and then he goes after them, gets them done. At noon he reevaluates, see where he determines where he's at, and then, from noon to six, he's actually focused on the next part of his day. So he's getting two days into one. He's trying to cram everything in.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that stood out to me is this he says why do we have to have hour-long meetings, zoom meetings, phone calls, whatever. Why can't they be 15 minutes or 25 minutes? Why do they have to be an hour? Who set that time frame? It's just, it's a waste of time. He says if we can condense that time down and be hyper-focused on the task and not mess around, how much more productive can we be? You could get more meetings into your day.

Speaker 1:

So if you are a meeting-driven enterprise or you're a manager or a leader that spends a lot of time on meetings all day long, why not start cutting your meetings back to 25 minutes instead of 60 minutes, or do 45 minutes initially to start working people through? You're giving yourself 15 minutes every hour to be productive on something else instead of going from meeting to meeting. I know when I was in corporate America, everything was 60 minutes and there was a rule that the seven minute rule. If you don't show up by seven minutes, we'll cancel the meeting. So you start seven minutes late, and then you typically go over seven or 10 minutes late, so you're basically an endless cycle on a daily basis, every single hour, chasing meetings.

Speaker 1:

How can we as business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders be effective when it comes to managing our time if we're so distracted by meetings and by all these other nuances that come with running a business? We can't, it's a failure and it's something I've struggled with for my whole life. I also don't hear a lot of people wanting to say I need to make change in this aspect, and that's what I really want to dive in here. Guys, it's not going to be a long video, it's going to be. How can we be more effective with our time, because it's our most valuable asset, and what do we do today to make those changes so we move forward, to become one better leaders Maybe it's better husband, better wife, better sibling, uncle, aunt, friend, whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

Time is the most valuable critical asset we have, and people think money is, and it's not. It's time. So how do you carve out time in your day to make sure that everything is being taken care of from the most valuable tasks that drives revenue for your business or for your family, whatever you're trying to do this in To the very bottom, something that's a nice to have. That you want to do some research on, I know for myself. As AI continues to evolve, I want to be able to push myself further into that space, and every single week on Saturday, outside of business hours, I spend a good two to three hours learning how to prompt better. So if you can prompt correctly and you can start having a conversation with the AI, does that not make your life a lot easier? Does that not make getting your most critical tasks done quicker to where you can go on to more done quicker to where you can go on to more? Because you have options now of AI bots that can do a lot of this, meaningless I don't want to say meaningless steps in work that can be done by these bots that otherwise you have to spend time on doing, like social media posts.

Speaker 1:

Effectively use our time to be more productive and be able to focus on the most critical tasks that need to be done for our business to generate revenue. That is the key question that I ask myself every single day. Am I actually doing the most critical aspect of my job or task today to drive revenue for the bottom line. If it's no, or I have to question myself on it, then I know I'm not in the right place. I laid out goals. I've got four goals that I'm working on. I have top line revenue that I'm wanting to hit. There are some personal goals in there, financially, that I want to save some money. I want to get myself out of debt. There's some additional personal goals for my family, for myself and then just in general life. I want to live in the present, because today I still struggle with living in the past, dealing with things from the past or worrying about the future. Those are goals that I'm working on, but I know the number one thing for an entrepreneur is the bottom line. But you can't affect the bottom line if your headspace is not clear. That's why I have those goals. So, guys, short, sweet this week, but here's what I want to leave you with.

Speaker 1:

If you're not focused on that one task on a daily basis whether you break your day up to six hour increments or eight hours, however you do it if you're not focusing on that task or tasks in line sequentially to drive your bottom line and all you're trying to do is multitask, you're going to struggle. That's just flat out You're going to struggle. How do you solve that? Every single day you write down a task list of what you want to accomplish and follow that task list. Maybe you don't get everything checked off on that list every single day, but if you get that top two or top three, your biggest impact to your business and follow that task list. Maybe you don't get everything checked off on that list every single day, but if you get that top two or top three, your biggest impact to your business. In my mind that's a win.

Speaker 1:

But I know for myself if I am not hyper-focused on my top task at a singular moment, I'm going to fail. It's not as easy as I make it to be. I struggle with it every single day. I get distracted by social media, I get distracted by things happening in the world, whatever the case is. But I know if I put those tasks out and I make sure that I'm focused on one at a time, I'm going to make an impact. All right, guys, hope you have a great day, a great week, stay healthy, stay safe. I'll see you, guys on the other side.

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